Friday 5 February 2010

The death of the British pub.

As we all know pubs are closing down at an alarming rate and people prefer to drink there cheap beer from the supermarket in the comfort of there own home, The sad thing is while people are doing this a British institution is dieing, The pub was once a place where the community came together, in my area of WN6 the local pub i frequent still has its regulars and is still quite busy but the other pubs in the area are dieing a grim death and are at times deathly quite.
There main factor in this is the recession that Britain is in at the moment but there has always been the pub to unwind and relax at the end of a to your mates or go for a chat with your family.

The pub trade is dieing and if at the rate they are closing the great British establishment that we all know and love could be gone.

The Hesketh Arms on Shevington Moor has closed down and sadly they have put up a perimeter gate, there has been talks of knocking it down but there are local residents who are protesting due to the building being 250 years old itself.

This could be a more common site as the recession goes on...

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