Here are the sounds that are rocking Redbricks HQ at the moment...
"Headmasters Ritual" by the Smiths, A more refined sound that is a continuous from there first album.
Another one by The Smiths,Rusholme Ruffians this video is actually from The Peel Sessions, Fantastic.
Symarip - Skinhead Moonstomp, Classic SKA which makes me want to shave my hair, put on a pair of Docs and moon stomp away into the night.
Twisted Wheel - Who Stole The Sun, This is the video ( which a mate emailed me) which got me into this band and having seen them various times in there original and newly-formed state they are great live and I had a absolute buzz watching them.
A song which I cant help but shout at the top of my lungs, First of The Gang to Die. Amazing.
Henri Lloyd Consort
3 years ago
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