Thursday 22 July 2010

Couple of things in the pipe work....

Still planning the pod-cast, I have got all off it planned out in a document - What songs will be played and also what will be discussed in the Red Bricks and Coal Podcast....Clothes,Music,Football and anything and everything....

Also been talking to a company about the possibility off getting some enamel badges made sort of like the ones at football....

There are a few interviews coming through as well, They are in the pipe work, I will try and post as regualy as I can but with full time work I am going to find it hard at the moment....



  1. Keep up the good work Ben! You'll find a lot to write about as the season progressess, inspiration comes from many quarters!

    Regards, 19sixtysix

  2. It's a very good blog you've got going here mate. Try and keep it going if you can. Looking forward to the podcast and the interviews.
