Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Bombay Bicycle Club
Melchiot relaxed about the club surviving the drop.
Wigan captain Mario Melchiot is confident his side will avoid relegation from the Premier League.
The Latics are now just four points above the drop zone having played a game more than 18th-placed Hull.
However, Melchiot insists the Wigan squad have the belief that they can stay up.
"Everyone knows we are a great side, we've all got that belief," Melchiot told the club's website.
"The only thing is that we just haven't had the luck you need at this level to help us get what we've deserved.
"It's all still in our own hands which is the most important thing, and that's the situation you want going into the final games of the season."
"Film of the day"
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Band of the day.
Book Review.
Rolling with the 6.57 crew by Cass Pennant and Rob Silvester.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Manchester City vs Wigan Athletic
"Film of the day"
"The Godfather" based on a novel of the same name by Mario Puzo, The film included the immortal tag line " I'm going to make him an offer he cant refuse" and is classed as one of Cinemas classics.
Released in 1972, and staring the legendary actor Marlon Brando as "Don" Vito Corleone the head of a criminal family in America during the "mob" era and is set in New York.
The film portrays the aging head of the crime family his sons and there work and also all the problems they happen to come across and "offers".....
The film won the academy award for best picture and best writing ( screen play)
It also won best actor ( Marlon Brando)
The film has two sequels, The Godfather part II and The Godfather part III.
"The Don at work in his office" - Marlon Brando in his role
"The Dons daughters wedding"
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Nostalgia ....
Friday, 26 March 2010
" Retro Skull Duggery"
i remember around 2003/2004 i sketched out two characters clobbered up in fila, adidas etc, i was going through a 'lad' phase... that is where 'retro' comes into it yeah as i was influenced by the 80s football casual era, the 'skull-duggery' is paying homage to sayings that are long gone, i remember in my youth 'skull-duggery' meant to be naughty like 'skally-wag' so i thought i would bring it back, and it hadn't been used anywhere else.
Who are the main influences when you try and draw/paint a new peice and who do you take insperation from?
I follow many art, culture blogs/zines such as Faesthetic, Juxtapoz and VNA, i get major influence from artists and idea's on there, but i have had a varied taste over the years, i have massive respect for Manga, specifially Katsuhiro Otomo who created Akira, that was what opened my eyes to the art world, two of my other favourite artists are Don Hertzfeldt and Mike Judge. Just lately i have been into alot more urban/underground art, the work of D*Face and Mike Giant are what i aim to be doing in the near future, the amount of detail and swift lines are exceptional.
I notice that some of your work has a vague pop art feel to it, Do you mean for this to come across?
I feel that many art styles have been done to death and for new artists it is hard for them to decipher their own unique style, for me i have used the bold black outline and colourful cartoon fills from as far back as i can remember, i am a fan of pop art, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol mainly, but i try to keep doing things to my style.
Did you do any art-based qualifications at school or are you just a natural at what you do?
At secondary school i choose graphic design and art as my options, and i went on to do a BTEC National Diploma in graphics at college, i didn't really learn anything during this time apart from how to use illustrator and photoshop, so i skipped university and ended up in a dead end job, so it is pretty much natural talent.
Who do you follow in Football?
I support leeds utd, all my life... through the ups and downs, in fact mainly all downs haha
and last but not least does music inspire you to draw/write?
Music plays a massive part in my life and also in my inspiration, i have my ipod on shuffle when i draw, depending on what mood i am in, lately to get me going iv been banging out some Massive Attack-Blue Lines and some old school hip hop like Beastie Boys and A Tribe Called Quest, britpop is the main influence in my work, the ;lad' generation but when im feeling emotional i usually slap on some MTV Unplugged Nirvana, the grunge scene has an atmosphere to it which makes me excel yeah, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair, Sound garden,dinosaur jr,Black Flag, Minor Threat, Clash and Specials, to name a few.
Keep it foolish yeah?
"Film of the day"
here is some of its most iconic scenes and also one of them contains one of Kubrick's famous stares......
"Who are we? A small team of three, Based in the North-West of
With Regular collaborators and use professional expert companies to produce
our workings
our ethos is fairly simple,Our aim is to be quirky, Alternative, Individual
and original and full of passion!
our designs are based around "casual" and "popular culture" in general, We
are a self- sufficient brand which hopes to grow further as we develop new
Our t-shirts are professionally screen printed, our accessory's are made by
professionals with many years experience.
We have big plans to progress into other items of clothing to. We are
always looking at new and original to develop ourselves as a brand. We are a
work in progress."
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
"Last Watched..."
a modern take with that all the range 3D...I found the film dragged a bit and that the 3D did not fit well in places, Good but not as Good as I wanted it to be...

The "silver screen" biogrophy of Cass Pennant, one of the Infamous Hammers and also makes a cheeky Cameo in the film.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Can be fustrating....
Was what felt like a long walk back down the cut to our lift back to WN6.
We play Burnley at home on sat will be going to the pub to watch it since I can not afford to go and also i have applied for a new job which i hope to get.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
"Last sup"
Appearance: Clear golden colour, small white head, and little lace.
Armoma: Citrus
Taste: Citrus,Sweet,slight bitter aftertaste.
Jennings Cumberland Ale, A firm favorite of mine.
full flavoured ale with a delicate hop character.
A carefully-balanced hop character combined with residual flavours from the malt, gives this beer its refreshing taste and unique characteristics.
Friday, 12 March 2010
scene in Creep..
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Wigan 1 Liverpool 0
Monday, 8 March 2010
Sisha....Tropical Island....Bangkok
an amazing place and country and it was genuinely the trip of a life-time for me i loved everyday over there and wish i could go back again but I know i more than likely wont be able to due to flight costs etc...
I loved the country and immersed myself into the culture, Learning basic Thai words and also sampling local foods etc, For instance I ate of street stalls and you could get a full meal for around 40 Thai baht which is less than a quid and tasted fantastic as well as no grease and they
used fresh ingredients...
Our first place where we stopped was Pattaya city, which is what i would class as Blackpool of Thailand...However there was a lot of street stalls etc.
the city is famous for its go-go bars which are strip clubs/brothels and the one thing that shocked me while out there is how open the prostitution is out there...
anyway after sun-bathing i normally went exploring going up side streets getting street food and going for a nice cold drink while watching the world go by.....
The city is famous for walking street which is like a strip of shops/bars/restaurants and the place really came to life at night like most of the city's of Thailand..however the thing that really got me was seeing 60 year old fat westerners with 17/18 year old girls it just shows what people will do for money.....
While in Pattaya we headed to the sanctuary of truth which really amazed me the building was made out of wood all hand nails, The pictures speak for themselves...

After Pattaya we headed to Jomtien which is just down the road and is a quieter part of the city and is where my nan and grandad live when they go out there, Very nice place however not as busy as Pattaya.
While we where here we went to the tiger farm which was a experience since I got to hold tiger cubs stroke tigers,elephants etc however during two out of the three shows we watched they didn't seem to care for animal rights and how they where treated and made me feel quite upset really.
here is yours truly feeding a little tiger cub and really made my day and i loved the experience....

also here are the cubs themselves...I wanted to try and get them through customs I loved them!

after Jomtien we drove to Bangkok and caught a flight to the beautiful tropical island of Koh Samoui....This place took my breath away.
I loved it and just wish we spent more time there and time spent traveling the island however due to my grandad breaking his ankle after coming off his scooter that was out of the question however at night i ended up exploring the town we where stopping in and walking down the beach etc...and ended up having one of the most bizarre nights of my life.
Ended up going into a bar and playing pool with a Thai bird and she asked if I wanted to buy her a drink...Ended up saying yeah if you win me at pool..she hammed me didn't she, I'm a man of my word and got her a drink then left.
Ended up in a sisha bar and I'm sure there was more in it since i was stoned afterwords anyway....Ended up playing pool on a round pool table and going into a toilet that looked like the tardis of Dr.Who..stoned? of course!
oh and a Thai lass came and sat next to me and saying " i go dancing alone" i politely say ok and make basic conversation then she puts her hand on my lap and go "no...I go dancing alone in Bangkok" yet again i polity said ok and then asked for the bill and left for the night...bizarre night of course!
And I went jet-skiing while there and bloody loved it ended up doing it twice...
Loved the island and one day i will go back.
our hotel swimming pool....was paradise....

the beach...pure paradise....

after the island vist we ended up going back to Bangkok and spent a few nights in the capital city i have more pictures of it on my other camera and will upload them at a later date, The pictures I do have are of lizards that just ran through Lumpini Park and was quite surprised by them really...
While in bangkok we took in the markets, Went to Chattachuck market and got the sky train there this was like a Bizzare and was a massive place, We also went to Koh sam road which is a famous back packers street...and also took in the Pattpong the night market and red light district of Bangkok and got offered to go to a ping pong show....Which reminded me of Phonix Nights......

yours truly having a pint in Bangkok......

It really was the trip of a life time and would love to go back one day.