Todays football is stale,shit and ofcourse overpriced. Burnley are charging 32 quid for a adult ticket for our away game to there place...32 quid for Burnley.fuck me.
I will only be going if they have a student ticket or if i can get away with a kids one mind.
Also todays players are fucking premadona twats diving if someone goes within a foot of them...oh and are grossley overpaid for what they do ( to kick a ball for 90 mins.)
In yesteryear players got muddy and actually got stuck in and actually cared for the club they played for, for istance my old man was telling me about Hary Lyon who broke his leg in a FA cup game at Springfield Park he got it fixed up, came back on and scored a hatrick. Name me one player in todays game who would do that.
Next up is the Premiership this league is fucking wank and the novitaly effect is just about wearing off ( even though i will still go...since its my club im watching.) You know who is going to be in the top 4/6 and who may be mid table so theres fuck all to play for, I cant wait for the days of lower league football to come back to us and get the bandjumping tossers away from my club.
Yeah football is shit and im still going ( work that one out).
Henri Lloyd Consort
3 years ago
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