There is a film about Keven sampsons awaydays is due out ( it may already be out..) it looks like quite a good film i just hope that it stay inline with the book and is just not about the "pack" and his "downfall" with them in the end.
I hope the film includes parts such as the docter who convention when there in halifax etc.....
The Cags
Well they look simaler to the iconic peter strom cag and i hear that adidas are going to issue one to coinside with the film and from the pictures i have seen....pure shit!
I just hope that this wont see loads of people wearing the green peter storms or simaler jackets and start wearing some of the crazy and frankley shit colourways of forest hills that are avalible from your local JD store.
We shall wait and see....
Henri Lloyd Consort
3 years ago
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