The Italian Job ( 1969)Revently released from prison, Carrer criminal Charlie Crocker plans and executes the audacious theft of a $4 million worthof gold bullion from a bankin Turin during an international football match between England and Italy.
Thanks to financial and logistical help from the contacttsa nd resources of the imprisoned crime lord Mr Bridger, and desipite the best efforts of the Mafia, Crockers gang make thereir escaped rom Turin in a small fleet of minis, Before moving on to a bus where they pose as football surporters.
However, Poor driving leaves the gold filled coach hanging off the edge of cliff,Leaving Crocker unable to retrive his bountywithout overbalancing the vehicle and killing himself and his team in the process.The credits roll with the gangs fate uncertain.
This film is a personal favorite of mine and stars Sir Micheal Caine at when he was at a peak in Acting, Also starring Noel Coward as Mr Bridger, Both acters put up sterling performances in the film and the film itself has so many memorble quotes and scenes.
Mr Bridger: ' I hope he likes spaghetti. Thety serve it four times a day in the Italian prisons.
Charlie:' Your only supposed to blow the bloody doors off.'
little bit of triva: The screenwriter Tory Kennedy Martin was the co creater off and one of hte principal screen writes for the TV series Z cars.
"Your only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"

The famous get away scene.
*Please note I am aware of the The Italian Job remake, Its shit, Dont watch it its not a patch on this film.*